
Showing posts from May, 2012

mshtml / interface / COM Generic Casting example

ever tried something like this: PrintAllElements< HTMLAnchorElement >(); and got all the elements where u have: public static bool IsTypeOf<T>( object o) {   return (o is T);   } private void PrintAllElements<T>() {        HTMLDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as HTMLDocument ;        foreach ( IHTMLElement elem in doc.all)        {              if (IsTypeOf<T>(elem))              {    //do stuff   }        } } i mean IsTypeOf always true? thats cuz all the HTML classes inherit the nice IHTMLElement so any IHTMLElement is T where T is HTMLxxxxxElemen...

How To Test JQUERY AJAX call example by RNAN

$("#UpdateKM").click(function (e) {    var upkm = document.getElementById("newKmtxt").value;    alert('myurl');    $.ajax(    {        url: 'myurl',        type: 'GET',        dataType: 'json'    }).done(function (result)    {        alert("done"); //or 1    }).fail(function (xhr, status,errorThrown)    {        alert(errorThrown); //or 2    }).    always(function (jqXHR, complete_textStatus)    {        alert('3');    }) }); THANK U RNAN!!

C# LIST.FOREACH +lambda example

never found a really simple example, see this: List < string > parts = new List < string >(); parts.ForEach( delegate ( string p) {      Console .WriteLine(p);    }); since in lambda () is delegate() so List < DateTime > dates = new List < DateTime >(); // just to show that T doesnt matter parts.ForEach(( DateTime d) => {       Console .WriteLine(d); }); PLUS u can do the remarkable list.Remove(d)! unlike foreach

C# WORD, and replace text, plus hebrew trick examlpe

the WordHandler class is the hard work of one of our ex-engineers. pls remember that the number of parameters passed changes with the office versions also u need to put the right Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word version, and its not according the office (word 14 is for office 10) the trick is mine - the text backworded so a added in the word template val2 after val and it did the trick using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; namespace WordFactory {      class Program      {          static Word. Application oWord;          static Word. Document oWordDoc;          static void Main( string [] args)          {      ...

Change Proxy C# example

ye i know there r millions exapmle but i wanna point out 2 thing:         string todaysProxy = "" ; RegistryKey registry = Registry .CurrentUser.OpenSubKey              ( "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings" , true ); registry.SetValue( "ProxyEnable" , "00000001" , RegistryValueKind .DWord); registry.SetValue( "ProxyEnable" , 1); registry.SetValue( "ProxyServer" , todaysProxy); registry.SetValue( "ProxyOverride" , "192.168.0.*;127.0.0.*;localhost" ); 1 - ProxyEnable - either int 1 or define kind, unlike the batch 2 - O.C. IT WONT TAKE IMMIDIATE AFFECT but only on the new sessions, unless:

C# Read Excel File - EOProlbems!

sooo simple and genius!! explanations: download: most basic print: var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory ( @"F:\\MEMBER Book.xlsx" ); var all = from c in excel.Worksheet()                select c; foreach ( var row in all) {       foreach ( var cell in row)             Console .Write(cell.Value + "   " );        Console .WriteLine(); } Update: another thing i've been told of by Yon1973 use it with ADO Update 2: another reader for xls and other

MySQL IndexOf and Substring example

example to select the name only SELECT INSTR ( 'ariel@lti' , '@' ) ; SELECT SUBSTRING ( 'MySQL Substring' , 7 , 3 ) ; SELECT Name, Email ,    INSTR (Email, '@' ) as indx,    SUBSTRING (Email, 1 ,  INSTR (Email, '@' ) - 1 ) as wow ,    SUBSTRING (Email, 1 , 9 ) AS nooo FROM supplier_contact WHERE name = 'No Info' ;   example to select the domain only SELECT SUBSTRING (Email, INSTR (Email, '@' ) + 1 , LENGTH (Email)) AS domain, Email FROM supplier_contact