Javascript filter Table/GridView Search Pop Row example
well, in my workplace the guys used the jq grid plugin and changed acostumized it, but it seems too much work for doing just the search pop row, so that how it went: *notice that in my version there are columns to be hidden, so if u dont have some like that u can just skip all the "display == "none" )" parts. part 1: create the pop row with txt's, < script type ="text/javascript"> $( function () { var table = document.getElementById( "dgvUsersCompanies" ); var body = table.getElementsByTagName( 'tbody' )[0]; var headerRow = body.rows[0]; var row = body.insertRow(1); row.setAttribute( "id" , "theSearchRow" ); var cell0 = row.insertCell(0); cell0.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Search:' onclick='FilterDGV()' />" ; for ( var i = 1; i ...