
Showing posts from October, 2012

Run JS from C#, RegisterStartupScript example

ScriptManager .RegisterStartupScript( this .Page, this .GetType(), "temp" ,     "<script type='text/javascript'>ArrangeDGV();makeEfferctForGrid();</script>" ,     false ); just put it somewhere in the page class and it will run the relevant JS funcs, very usefull with UPP

How to position Modal Dialog

position: [350, 400]

MySql Left Join Where Column Is Not Value

well, usually ppl do stuff like SELECT A.* FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON = B.id_of_A WHERE B.X IS NOT NULL but i had a better situation i had multiple left joins and one of the tables had all kind of values where i needed on of them so its like SELECT A.*, C.c1, D.c1 IF (B.value = 'myVal', 1, 0) AS bval  FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON = B.id_of_A LEFT JOIN C ON = C.id_of_A LEFT JOIN D ON = D.id_of_C so if u out some extra left joins there OR A->B is 1->n our if is not so good like Table B: id_of_A | value 1  | 1 1  | 2 1  | 3 1  | 4 1  | 5 2  | 4 2  | 5 and what if i want to WHERE this IF (WHERE bval = 1)? maybe some1 thinks right join but that will cut the rest of my info so i need a left join that is a right join ha ha!! well we can make it work like this: SELECT A.*, C.c1, D.c1, B.value FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON = B.id_of_A           ...

Advanced HtmlTable / GridView auto sort example

this is an expansion for this this time i just decided to bring all the code and comment it example //* @author James Padolsey ( ) / jQuery.fn.sortElements = ( function () {     var sort = [].sort;     return function (comparator, getSortable) {        getSortable = getSortable || function () { return this ; };         var placements = this .map( function () {             var sortElement = this ),                   parentNode = sortElement.parentNode,  ...

JQuery set a selected by text or value

this little thing was anoying enouth to find $( "#myDropDownList option:selected" ).text($( "#Whatever" ).val()); $( "#myDropDownList option:selected" ).val($( "#Whatever" ).val());

JQuery Modal Dialog how to add '-' (minimize)

this is a nice trick 1st to put the '-' in out modal title bar (this is after opening the dialog): var header = document.getElementById( "divMyDialog" ).previousSibling; var minusDiv = document.createElement( "div" ); minusDiv.innerHTML = "&nbsp; - &nbsp;" ; minusDiv.setAttribute( "class" , "divMinusForDialog" ) minusDiv.setAttribute( "onclick" , "MinimizeDialog()" ) header.appendChild(minusDiv); also put these JS functions: function MinimizeDialog() {     $( "#divMyDialog" ).dialog( 'close' );     $( "#divDialogIsMinimized" ).show(); } function MaximizeConvDialog() {     $( "#divMyDialog" ).dialog( 'open' ); } the CSS is this with extra for out maximizer: .divMinusForDialog {    position : absolute ;    right : 0px ;    font-size : large ; } #divConvIsMinimized {    display...

JQuey Modal Dialog Cancel the X

the title part is the a previous sibling element to your div element and indside it there is the 'X' $( "#MyDialog" ).dialog({    autoOpen: true ,    .    .    .    open: function (event, ui) {        var header = document.getElementById( "MyDialog" ).previousSibling;        $(header).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).hide();    } }) ;