
Showing posts from August, 2013

how to edit Javascript (ar any) file in Sharepoint from VisualStudio

this is a nice little secret i've learned today from our new friend Horhe! in ur machine right click Computer =>>Manage =>> right click Features =>> Add Features =>> choose (or make sure u have it) Desktop Experience. then say ur site is "MySite". u can open a folder by this path "\\MySite\style library" in the file explorer. now u can edit that file anywhere, VS, notePad, Submile ect. and just by clicking CTRL + S and F5 u have ur new file in the browser!!. *REMEMBER 1: unless u canceled versions u need to checkout the file (and if u did canceled i must not check it out) *REMEMBER 2: plz dont forget to eventually copy the file to TFS or whatever backup u use. HF!

Bresleveloper's AngularJS Tutorial : QueryString - $location 1st thing is that $location does everything the usual window.location but only under the module, everything after the hash tag(#). in case u want the usual's they have $window as a wrapper to window (if u wanna know why go read :)). so I am currently testing what we can do with that. initially, if u look in my examples Ex 12-17 I got some conclusions: 1. changing anything in the $location while using $routeProvider refreshes the page. 2. u cant use $route and $routeParams in a service. 3. but u can use $location and everything is there 4. after an some more complex rendering events like Ajax based on my big proj the "updates" we put in the $location r sometimes being overrun and cleared. so currently I think there is not much to do by combining the 2 unless like ur intending to refresh ur page with it. sound logical, just beware and put some logs to supervise what's ...

Bresleveloper's AngularJS Tutorial : Basic+ Route / Routing there is a nice thing with the $routeProvider that I learned from maybe the best and most advanced blogger in the world about angular - Ben Nadel, here in this post : u can put anything u want in ur routes! Ex no. 11 view (customRouteView, only for that top div) - I added this div at the top: < div > {{   Bresleveloper }} </ div > code (Ex 11) - there r only 2 changes, 1st I added a view with the extra div templateUrl: 'Views/customRouteView.html' 2nd change is in the CTRL:         var myController = function ($scope, myService, $route) {     console.log( "myController - NEW INSTANCE" );     $scope.myService = myService;     myService.getData(); ...

Bresleveloper's AngularJS Tutorial : Basic Route / Routing u'll here a lot about angular's $route and $routeProvider, and let me warn u: its awesome and does ITS work great, BUT ONLY ITS JOB. so u should either manage ur app flow / navigation with angular's routing ALONE, or some other way while NOT mixing the angular route. the good part is that if u use routing right u already have full links "built in" (I mean like ) support and browsers entries for back and forward, and that really great and sometimes that's what u need. lets see why - if we take our previous example and try to "just" add routing like that we'll see that stuff just wont get updated, u can try to add to this all kinds like broadcast ect., the point is that here is where u can easly fall: our view (I call it problemView cuz I don't use myService.X in it): < div class ="singleItem" ng-repea...