
Showing posts from 2014

JSLink expand collapse documents

the expand/collapse is for each folder in the doc lib note: you need to change the view to flat insead of folders (edite view -> style) sample and example, with nano scroller, from my onedrive!254&authkey=!ACwGD9PzPMxqle0&ithint=file%2cjs i just followed this fiddle and this is my extra css .DocumentsZone { border-top : 1px solid #d4d4d4 } .docs-title-wrapper { margin : 20px 0 20px ;} .docs-title-wrapper { display : inline-block ; } .docs-title-wrapper input { border : none ; width : 23px ; height : 23px ; min-width : 0 ; vertical-align : top ; margin-top : 7px ; background : url('/PublishingImages/+.png') ;} .docs-wrapper ul { list-style : none ;} .docs-wrapper li { padding : 10px 0 ;} .tree-header { cursor : pointer } .tree-header > span { font-size : 17px ; margin-left : 9px ; line-height : 24px ; verti...

JSLink Royal Slider Tutorial

if you havn't, take a look at the basic tutorial the basic thing about royal slider is the wrapper < div id ="Slider" class ="royalSlider rsDefault"> therefor the most logical solution is to use the Header-Item-Footer architecture. and since I like to capsulate everything I do so here is my basic object var jsLinkRoyalSlider = {}; jsLinkRoyalSlider.HeaderOverrideFun = function (ctx) {     return '<div id="Slider" class="royalSlider rsDefault">' ; }; jsLinkRoyalSlider.ItemOverrideFun = function (ctx) { }; jsLinkRoyalSlider.FooterOverrideFun = function (ctx) {     return '</div>' ; }; jsLinkRoyalSlider.Constuctor = function () {     var overrideCtx = {};     overrideCtx.Templates = {};     overrideCtx.Templates.Header = jsLinkRoyalSlider.HeaderOverrideFu...

JS Link Tutorial, Sharepoint 2013

there are many suppose to be tutorial about JSLink, but none start form the beginning some history basically JSLink is the cliend side way of data-binding and rendering you sharepoint things to ... well it can be sharepoint lists and libraries and it can be your pages. it works like this, the moment you put a url to your js file the item / field / webpart sends all of its data to the client and run your js so what do we have? well best putted is this image from this blog: this means that each part you see here is actually a JS function that accepts the context with all the data and returns some HTML ( function () {     var overrideCtx = {};     overrideCtx.Templates = {};     overrideCtx.Templates.Header = HeaderOverrideFun;     overrideCtx.Templates...

how to add ScriptEditorWebPart to PageLayout

the simple secret is that the ID of the webpart MUST be a guid, example < WebPartPages : ScriptEditorWebPart     runat ="server"     Content ="&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;hi&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;"     ID ="g_9db1223f_1234_44df_ad5d_e6454520ddfa" > </ WebPartPages : ScriptEditorWebPart >

Sharepoint error while uploading file to masterpages gallery

the error: Server error: The URL is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder or refer to a valid file that is not in the current Web כתובת ה- URL‏ '_catalogs/masterpage/tryAutoPromo2.aspx' אינה חוקית. ייתכן שהיא מפנה לקובץ או לתיקיה שאינם קיימים או מפנה לקובץ או לתיקיה חוקיים שאינם נמצאים באתר הנוכחי. guess what? i just added 2 webparts with the same id

ng-repeat working with JSON objects

today i had quite  a fight vs ng-repeat while trying to loop over some json objects i'll just sum it cause in the end its quite easy. you can try it yourself, I prepared a little jsbon for it:,output 1 - simple array this is just for the sake of the example, when your object in an array, ngRepeat looks like this < div ng-init ="friends = ['Jhonny','Jessy','Marky']">   < ul >     < li ng-repeat ="friend in friends">       {{ friend }} .     </ li >   </ ul > </ div > 2 - array of json objects this is where you can use the power of parameter with ngRepeat < div ng-init ="friends = [{name:'John', age:25, gender:'boy'},        {name:'Jessie', age:30, gender:'girl'},        {name:'Patrick', age:40, gender:'boy'}]">   ...