Sharepoint 2013 search: how to make refiner update 2 search web parts

So my case today is having a nice Search Results Page, with a nice Search Results WP and a Refinement WP updating him. now i added another Content Search WP, and Oh My! it doesnt updates! since i am used to MS giving a lot of work to developers, that looked like a nice challenge, some advanced client-side Search-Controls work. so... 1 - Get the new query that part is easy - its up in the url, with a simple regex i took it out var rgx = /#Default={[{":,\\}()#\-\[\]a-zA-Z0-9]+}/ ; var queryObjStr = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash) .match(rgx)[0].replace( "#Default=" , "" ); 2 - Send it to our control well, MS did gace us some nice Client-Side API, one of the SRCH objects is the QueryState, which is actually the object in the Default up in our hash var queryState = JSON.parse(queryObjStr); var queryStateArgs = new Srch.QueryEve...