Angular 4 Keyup event fire multipletime?
i'll explain more of what i've learned answering this stackoverflow question . well, lets just start by explaining that if you want say some AutoComplete based on an input element, so the problem with Keyup event is that while user is typing "Angu" you actually get 4 events, 1st with input value as "A", 2nd "An", ect. but you want the part where he did "Angu" ... well, there is the native answer, and the RxJs Implementation for that, and i will just start with the RxJx code for the reference, and then go for my Native Javascript example. as you can see youself in my plnkr , we import the Observable as an object and then adding relevant Observable type and operator. couple or sources to that: some recipes from the RxJs site anyways these are the imports import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable' import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/auditTime';...