
Showing posts from 2020

SharePoint Generate Thumbnail to Documents

 Thank you this blog code:                 img = location.origin +                          '/_api/v2.0/sharePoint:' +                          (ctx.CurrentItem.Path.replace(location.origin, '')) +                          ':/driveItem/thumbnails/0/large/content?preferNoRedirect=true';

Power Automation (Flow) send email with Image from Picture Field (Sharepoint list)

 The Scenario - When item is created in list B, and list B has the ID for item in list A, go get list A item by id, where there are some details including a Picture field, and send all that via email. The main thing to remember is that MS did not develop the api needed for the flow to get the picture field, so we cant read nor update it, only via HTTP. Steps: trigger when item created in list B parse listItemB_ID field from float to integer get item from list A via flow get item from list A via HTTP request to SharePoint (*not premium) get the Picture field value, it's a JSON parse that json give a schema for the parser where do we find the sample for the schema build the Picture url send email 1. trigger when item created in list B   2. parse listItemB_ID field from float to integer the item A id field, although set to be integet, is eventually a float for the flow. we must parse it using the `int` function, using  int(triggerOutputs()?['body/CouponID']) 3.  ge...

Microsoft Flow PowerApps Projects Time Management Apps - Part 1

Goal is to be able to manage how much time (in hours and minutes) the company spent each month.  Each Employee should write down when he started and when he finished, and calculate the time.  At each period of time we should be able to get a report of total time spend per client.  Design:  Data will be 2 SharePoint lists, one for clients names, other for the time spent.  List 1 is Title only for client name.  List 2: Title - client name Created - start time Created By - employee EndTime - end time ☺ TotalTime - calculated field for time ( =TEXT(EndTime-Created, "hh:mm") ) App1 - Employee chooses client, has 2 buttons, start and end App2 - Manager can choose month and gets a list of clients with their total time Lets start, SP as states App1 Drop "Items" Connected to SPList and "Value" to Title. Button Start to Flow is very simple, create a sharepoint list item with title of selected client. Since i wanted some message in the app i had the flow to return so...

Microsoft Flow save email attachment with Hebrew Letter to OneDrive or SharePoint

Theoretically you could just use the OOTB template to save a GMAIL to SHAREPOINT But... As always with MS, nothing is really that simple. All you need to break this flow is a special Character... So here starts a journey to clean special characters, and i followed this blog post. My spec was to create some Folder under the default Documents Library of a modern Team Site, and each attachment sent to a specific Gmail account, to be saves in a sub-folder with the sender's name, and another sub-sub-folder with the subject name emails Attachments/Sender Name/email subject/file name.ext Playing with Flows, I 1st learned that in order for the flow to be triggered WITH attachments you must change " Has Attachments " and " Include Attachments " to "Yes", both under advanced options under "When a new email arrives" event Now we can start talking about the actual flow logic ...

Sharepoint Online SPFx Search Rest Api 403

In case you develop an SPFx and you try to use RestApi for Search (or maybe also with the SP Rest) and you get 403, this in because your Webpart is running in his own scope, under an IFRAME. The solution is to dynamically take your Absolute Url      let   filesQuery  =  this . context . pageContext . web . absoluteUrl ; Every SPFx Webpart has his own SPPageContextInfo. P.S. In case you choose to user SPHttpClient, you need 2 things to get over your 500 error: 1. use Default configuration (that should be v3 or v4) 2. change Accept header odata part to verbose      this . context . spHttpClient . get ( filesQuery ,  new   SPHttpClientConfiguration ({}),       {  headers :  {  Accept :   "application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8"  } })         . then (( response :  SPHttpClientResponse )...

Windows 10 Microphone not working

Start -> Settings -> Sound under "Input" find "Manage sound devices" link under "Input devices", click the devices and enable them

How to get RSS feed to Sharepoint List with Flow Automation

3 simple steps - Recurrence,  RSS, Apply to each with some Composes 1 - Recurrence Just state the recurrence of querying the feed 2 - Use the RSS connector, which actually just get the JSON array of the items :) (at least in my case) 3 - Apply to each with some Composes What can't be seen in the image is the formula, for each composite the formula is the same appart from the json field value, here "publishDate", place that in the "Expression" side of the "add dynamic content" and click "OK" items('Apply to each')?['publishDate'] which apparently can be also be done with item()?['User ID 1'] And create the SP item P.S. In order have distinct value items I set the SP list Title columns to force distinct values, it then shows an error for each attempt to create duplicate value