Host Angular app INSIDE C# Web Api 2 (as single app) (not .Net Core) and install in server (and browse from outside)

Host Angular inside ANY C# / ASP.NET solution. Table of Content: Web Dev Tools List Create DB (ms-sql) Create API (c# webapi 2) + connect to DB Create Angular project + connect to API Host the NgApp inside the API Install in Server + connect from internet 1. Web Dev Tools List The list of tools : they are all "Next, Next, Next...", and they are all on google search, SSMS - Sql Server Management Tool - for SQL (also installs server) VS22 - Visual Studio 2022 Community - dont forget to check Asp.Net dev tools with .Net framewroks 4.6.1-4.8 VSC - Visual Studio Code NodeJS (version compatible to the angular version) Angular (your version) For server install - windows server (2022) with IIS 2. Create DB Open SSMS (type "SQL" in start) There, copy your server name (before click "Connect"): Create a DB and a Table (just right-click -> "New..." and give names) Make sure you have an "Id" columns that is key identity, by double-clicking the ...