
Showing posts from 2016

my post and thoughts about what is a Senior Developer

So i've just written a post measuring myself according to  Programmer Competency Matrix , and i know this matrix for a long time and its a really awesome matrix to test for a highly technologically skilled developer, i think that a real senior is something even past a Team Leader, and for that i'll try to build my own matrix, and comment be about it :D. Some of these thoughts you can read from some links i collected here p.s. IMHO anyone that is intermediate in in all skills can be a great Team Leader, since the main thing about being a TL is the mentoring and grouping part. I see many TL that are noobs/juniors in many of these fields. Don't think i am anywhere near senior, am a "proud" junior trying to advance into mid, but i take a look at a couple of real senior @work and this is more of my observation about them and after getting pounded by their feedback. skill noob junior intermediate senior tech skill - measured by Programmer Competenc...

self-test for the Programmer Competency Matrix by Sijin Joseph

The Programmer Competency Matrix by  Sijin Joseph  is a table of parameters to test the reward you will get from a programmer vs the effort you'll put in him. Also is considered to measure whether a programmer is noob, junior, intermediate, or senior, which is a whole subject by itself that i hope to write about next time. anyway, for the fun and interest, i will test myself, as objective as i can be, (i'll ask some guys @work to correct me and update), so the columns will be subject, my notes, score. 0-3 will be the scores so 0 is total noob, 32 is junior, 64 is intermediate and 96 is senior. Note that since there is such a huge variety of skill someone that actually scores 96 is like the top of the world senior, and you should thing it more like 0-32,  32-60, 60-75, 75-96, since scoring 32 should be quite fast to any programmer that wants to step up, and anyone that scores 2 in everything is really a junior-senior, and even just a few scores of 3 is a real s...

Create Projected Field in Genesis

        [ SPGENField (             ID = "{C3D3C5AF-C1D1-4ED8-B67F-E5BC23E401A7}" ,             LookupFieldRef = "{0D4884FE-6D8D-4B8D-BB3A-9AEBD7D28AC0}" ,             InternalName = "ProjectIDLookup" ,             StaticName = " ProjectIDLookup " ,             DisplayName = "$Resources:myRes,Field_ ProjectIDLookup _DisplayName;" ,             Group = "$ Resources:myRes ,FieldGroup_NAME_Title;" ,             Type = SPFieldType .Lookup,             LookupList = typeof ( Lists . MyList ),      ...

Sharepoint 2013 search: how to make refiner update 2 search web parts

So my case today is having a nice Search Results Page, with a nice Search Results WP and a Refinement WP updating him. now i added another Content Search WP, and Oh My! it doesnt updates! since i am used to MS giving a lot of work to developers, that looked like a nice challenge, some advanced client-side Search-Controls work. so... 1 - Get the new query that part is easy - its up in the url, with a simple regex i took it out var rgx = /#Default={[{":,\\}()#\-\[\]a-zA-Z0-9]+}/ ; var queryObjStr = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash)                      .match(rgx)[0].replace( "#Default=" , "" ); 2 - Send it to our control well, MS did gace us some nice Client-Side API, one of the SRCH objects is the QueryState, which is actually the object in the Default up in our hash var queryState = JSON.parse(queryObjStr); var queryStateArgs = new Srch.QueryEve...

SOLVED The item could not be indexed successfully because the item failed in the indexing subsystem

if you got an error like this The item could not be indexed successfully because the item failed in the indexing subsystem. ( The item could not be indexed successfully because the item failed in the indexing subsystem.; Failed to recover content group; Aborting insert of item in Link Database because it was not inserted to the Search Index.; ; SearchID = 04081656-B51B-4DCD-96D4-6DB2D2CEEEE7 ) as well as these: The item could not be indexed successfully because the item failed in the indexing subsystem. ( The item could not be indexed successfully because the item failed in the indexing subsystem.; Caught exception when preparing generation GID[7]: (Previous generation (last=GID[6], curr=GID[7]) is still active. Cannot open GID[7]); Aborting insert of item in Link Database because it was not inserted to the Search Index.; ; SearchID = 92EB0180-C086-4853-BED8-F4878D9748AD ) the solution for me was to clear configuration cache (PS)  and then restart SP Search Services. THX ...

Internet Explorer error 'Node' is undefined

if you by any chance get this only in ie its because MS is trying to make the shityest browser ever!!! the browser probably runs in compatible mode of ie7. the fix is so ever simple: <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge">

Run Sharepoint Powershell as a different user

In the other day i want to set a Pre-Prod stage and wanted to change the Continuous Crawl Interval using the known PS commands $ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication   $ssa.S etProperty("ContinuousCrawlInterval",20) see more here BUT!  i could not gain access to the search service, and kept getting this error: format-default : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Googling around i got the point that it was a permissions error, mainly from here  where it was stated by BastianWebster that you need to do this with the user running the app pool. now usually its either everything is running with the same super-user, or at least you get your super-user with permissions to rule-them-all, but not this time. i was sp_admin, and, funny as it is, the sp_search, running the pool for the SSA, was not allowed for RDP. so i just tried to run SP Management Shell, the Sharepoint Powershell (SP PS lol) as a different user but could...