game portal: PASSWORDS for each level are stored in /etc/natas_webpass/natasX I made this walkthrough for people like me, i needed some help, but didnt want the spoiler, so here i will give you all the information needed to pass each level, yet not the solution. For levels needed custom web request i made a different post for powershell and javascript with how-to's, since is a piece of learning for itself, and also for those of us that play at work and have only powershell at their hands. Although its not a complete spoiler there, its quite most of the solution so try yourself 1st. Natas The Natas game is from basic to advances web hacking. Every few levels is about whole new exploitation (with some harder ones doing comeback later), so a lot of learning. If you're new, you're the reason i am writing so much even for the 1st level, just please google EVERY topic you see, since in the following levels i assume you know the ...
neusfigvi-ru Jennifer Yazzie