SharePoint Group Display Templates [Grouping]
the questions... How to Group Search Results Using Default Display Templates? Grouping search results with display templates for the CSWP? How to Define a Custom Group Display Template (GroupTemplateId)? and the answer is a sad one... SETTINGS Well, 1st create yourself a Group Display Template file, just take the default "group_xxx.html" from the "Search" or "Content Search" Folders, whatever you are using. After adding it to the Master Pages, you can't add it via JS, you MUST download a copy or you Search WebPart (export) and change the value in "GroupTemplateId" to your group JS file. Now at least you have a CSWP with you own group.html/js file. So I've never really payed attention but in our Controls Display Templates the rendering part is in _#= ctx.RenderGroups(ctx) =#_ , GROUPS, not items. This actually ALWAYS going through a group rendering function, and hey, i want to use it. but how? nothing... NOTHIN...