Sharepoint Rest Api in SPFX Update/Create taxonomy field value
Scenario - creating custom form for SPListItem, with stuff... all html/css/js/ts When sending primitive values such as string/number/bool/choice, you just need to find the internal name of your field and give the actual value, example: Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!" to find the internal name just go to your SPList => list settings -> click your column => on the end of the URL you will find &Field=MyFieldInternalName so if my field is named "My Best Quality" and you click that you should see something like "myBestQuality" and your code should send { Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!", myBestQuality : "I Can Think!" } PS - the internal name can be very very different from the Display Name. PS2 - the internal name be encoding like "_x8473_x8573", in that case your internal name is " odata_ _x8473_x8573" When we want People columns we need to get the userId and send that while adding "Id...