Sharepoint Rest Api in SPFX Update/Create taxonomy field value

 Scenario - creating custom form for SPListItem, with stuff... all html/css/js/ts

When sending primitive values such as string/number/bool/choice, you just need to find the internal name of your field and give the actual value, example:

Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!"

to find the internal name just go to your SPList => list settings -> click your column => on the end of the URL you will find &Field=MyFieldInternalName

so if my field is named "My Best Quality" and you click that you should see something like "myBestQuality" and your code should send

  Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!",

  myBestQuality : "I Can Think!" 


PS - the internal name can be very very different from the Display Name.

PS2 -  the internal name be encoding like "_x8473_x8573", in that case your internal name is "odata__x8473_x8573"

When we want People columns we need to get the userId and send that while adding "Id" to the internal name like:

  Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!",

  myBestQuality : "I Can Think!", 

  projectManagerId: 148, 


I wont get into how we get our list of users, but... use this endpoint "/_api/web/SiteUsers"

For TAXONOMY fields it gets interesting...

PS3 - get your taxo tree with this awesome code from git

Single Taxo need just the term guid

valueForRest = {

    TermGuid: valueOfGuid, 

    WssId: -1


and then the body is

  Title : "My Awesome Achievements!!",

  myBestQuality : "I Can Think!", 

  projectManagerId: 148, 



and now for the real fun... TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti

first, you need the Hidden Name of the column which is a guid of sort, and can be acquired via the api like this 

say i have a field named "My Coool Multi Taxo" (thats the display name!) i will go to this endpoint:

/sites/New-Proj/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('My Coll List')/Fields/GetByTitle('My Coool Multi Taxo_0')/InternalName

that will retrieve something like "h01c0d38859b5538868471f40a78f4c4" and that is our column name for the body.

next, is how we build the value for this multi taxo, its like "'-1;#TermName|TermGuid;'" and seperated by #.




Let me show my final code, the HTML is rendered with angular, your can easily remake it in your TS, print the options with a for loop, and use "addEventListener" for "input" event.

      <select multiple (input)="emitInput($event)">

        <option value="" selected></option>

        <option *ngFor="let c of plTaxo" [value]="c.guid" >{{}}</option>


next creating the REAL value (the "h01c0d38859b5538868471f40a78f4c4" i took manually since i needed only 1). event is the JS event from the "select" element "input" event

  emitInput(event: any) {

        let terms = as HTMLCollection

        value = ''

        for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {

          let t = terms[i] as HTMLOptionElement

          value += `-1#;${t.text}|${t.value};#`


        value = value.slice(0, -1)


             "h01c0d38859b5538868471f40a78f4c4"value )


BONUS my generic create item function:

    public createListItemInWeb(web:string, listName: string, body: object): Promise<any> {
        const spOpts: string = JSON.stringify(body);
        let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  `${web}/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${listName}')/items`, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, {
                headers: {
                    'Accept': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
                    'Content-type': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
                    'odata-version': ''
                body: spOpts
                .then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
                     response.json().then((responseJSON: JSON) => {
        return promise



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