OverTheWire[.com] Leviathan Walkthrough - JUST HINT, NO SPOILERS

game portal: http://overthewire.org/wargames/leviathan/
PASSWORDS for each level are stored in /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathanX

The Leviathan game is about basic debug/hack/trace binary files in linux, and how to exploit them.
The main tool you will be using here is ltrace, so read & google about it. Use it in ALL levels except Level 0, even if i don't mention it.

Another important note is that most of the files have the "s" flag in their permissions, meaning they run in elevated privileges, and that's important to understand the solutions. Go read about that too.

Level 0: Bookmarks

bookmarks.html is the file chrome creates when you export all your bookmarks, people can save sensitive info there.

Level 1: Introduction to "ltrace"

Time to use "ltrace".

Level 2: Exploiting "cat"

Most of the tutorials out there are out of date, exploiting symbolic links, and exploit "cat".
You can still exploit "cat", but it won't make you solve the level, they make a little trick so you will be forced to do the real exploit.

The real exploit here is that there is absolute no validation on the input, so you can give any input you would like, as long as there is a valid path of that.

Remember. valid path.

Technically, just in case, i have a full spoiler about that here. But again, we want you to get it alone and reading what can be a path in linux, and what characters you can add to different kind of objects that a path is built from, you'll get it.

Level 3: ltrace

Not really sure what the difference between this one and Level 1.

Level 4: binary 

Find your favorite tool, piece of code or an online tool to finish the job.
I learned "./bin | perl -lape '$_=pack"(B8)*",@F'".

Level 5: Symbolic Link

Go learn what is a symbolic link in linux, and how to create and use one.

Level 6: Brute force

for loop can be written like "for i in {0000..9999}"

THANK ALOT for OverTheWire.com team.
THANK ALOT for all the bloggers out there that helped me solve this.


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