SPFx REAL compatibily materix

Links for sources at the bottom, including Version Notes

General Recommendations:

1. Use nvm (nvm install <nodeVersion>, nvm use <nodeVersion>) (official site)

2. The rest do not install with -g

3. Sometimes the best solution is to uninstall node and clean npm from AppData

4. Testing CMD's at the bottom end

[click the table to enlarge]

According to this stackoverflow answers they all prefer, at least up to spfx 1.11.0, and with node 10.x, to use gulp 3.9.1 and yo 3.1.0

SOURCES for versioning items

SPFx - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/compatibility

Node.js support for NPM - https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/

Gulp, Yeoman, and OnPrem - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/sharepoint-2019-support#nodejs-gulp--yeoman-versions

Angular according - https://gist.github.com/LayZeeDK/c822cc812f75bb07b7c55d07ba2719b3

node-sass version lock - https://bresleveloper.blogspot.com/2022/03/spfx-make-application-customizer-for.html (version found according to errors/prev spfx working build)


npm -v

node -v

npm ls -g --depth=0

Last one will return gulp, yo, @ms (sometimes it doesnt print until you press ENTER)

"npm install <package>" for local project

"npm install -g <package>" for machine global use

relevant for gulp, yo and @ms.

for any other dependency before "npm i" you must use version lock with npm-shrinkwrap.json

soft cleaning npm

npm uninstall <package>   //for as many as needed

npm cache clean --force  

npm cache verify 

Version Notes (All Versions Docs)

Consume Microsoft Graph [1.4.1]

Search Extensions for 2019 [1.10.0]

Subscribe to list notifications [1.10.0] - Libraries only until 1.12.1

rendered web part size & changes [1.12.1]

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